Well hello. It is very early in the morning and there is actually light out. Unfortunately since I slept through most of the day, I have not been able to sleep as yet. How cool is that!
So I just nearly got done with watching the show GIRLS, like I am on the seventh episode of the fifth season to which there are only 10 episodes and then there is just one season left which that is the sixth season. And I must say, I don’t think I have ever been offended or actually been repulsed by a show as much as I have been repulsed with this one. It took me back to a time when I read, “the internet made me do it” impulse as it was, the book “Not that kind of girl” by Lena Dunham and it made me wince; after every line or so.
There have many dull moments in my life, when freshly out of options for the next best show, I have contemplated watching GIRLS, but having read what I read in that God awful book and knowing fully well that Lena Dunham is actually the writer/producer/director of this show, I never like ever took the plunge. Plus the rating on IMDB was far below any of my other favourite shows – if that is any kind of a bench mark . So imagine what horrid of a boring moment must have made me download that first episode. I pretty much gave up after the first two episodes, more so for not ever wanting to watch Lena Dunham sans clothing than anything else, but then my curiosity got the better of me. Ms. Dunham could not possibly have won the best actor comedy Golden Globe for her role in this show, my mind boggled yet sane, shouted in repulsion. Anyway, I have watched thus far and will probably see it all the way through only because leaving things mid way is one of my pet peeves, but oh my God! I cannot believe my eyes, ears and mind for the most part of the time I am watching this show.
The show should promptly be re-named to “Not this kind of girl – Thank Heavens”. If the kind of hippy-esque wanna-be kind of “girls” shown in this show are in fact a true depiction of the millennial generation, well then kill me now. Because I do not want to grow old in a world that would end up in the hands of this lot. True, I am not a native New Yorker, but in all honesty, anyone with the slightest sense of human decency, a moral compass and ethical boundaries, will tell you that this is pure crap in all its awkward glory. The big question I kept asking myself after every other scene and while aiming for the forward button was, WHO THE HELL DOES THAT? No one, no matter what age they are at, can be this dumb, purposefully this short sighted and unbelievably self involved. And can we please, for the love of God and all things pure, rid ourselves of the concept that FEMINISM means dropping your clothes at a mere hint of “a word, any word”.
I am going to take a short break here and return to this post after I have watched the whole show.
Well, after that pregnant pause, I am back at it again and with more vengeance than ever before. To be fair, at this very moment, I am only writing this post so that if anyone, man or woman, ever stumbles across this blog post in search of a review on this show GIRLS, I want to have given them fair warning.
There was a point in the show, where Hannah (the lead role played by Lena Dunham) is watching a short film made by her one and true love and she stops watching literally after the first scene, calling the movie an insult to true romance, provocative, B grade and what not. Judging by those standards, her own show shouldn’t even be available for regular viewing, seeing as it is a grotesque depiction of modern day girls.
Even with her book, “Not that Kind of Girl”, so many readers felt violated. And do not take me to be an emotionless self-righteous person for I do feel for the really hard parts of her life that she has had to go through, but I honestly do not feel that lashing out is the only possible response to such harsh realities in life.
It is so unfortunate that in today’s world, it is becoming an accepted norm that acts of immorality can now be justified by two things; one that you faced hardships in life and two, that you are a firm believer in women rights and Feminism. Leave it to us to take a liberating concept and twist into acts of immoral nothingness.
Since I try to focus on positivity on this blog, I wanted to look for at least one message that I can take from the show, one ounce of inspiration that I can share. I found none. This show really is from nowhere and it stands for nothing – to quote the show itself. It seems like the writer/producer/director was trying to show everything that can be wrong in this society. There are so many other shows, shows that circle around girls/women, shows that have depicted life in New York, shows that have a clearer concept of what it means to survive in a rat race in one of the most fast paced cities in the world. But in the name of ‘originality’- another concept as tattered as feminism, so many out there have loved this show. Alas, to each their own I guess!
In the style of Lady Di, my parting words to you would be, ‘one must not dwell on such shows’.

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