Hello and welcome my beautiful readers! I hope you have all had a wonderful day so far. We will all be talking stationery today since these days, for all good reasons, stationery has become all the rage again!! There was a time when only kids used to be excited about stationery but such is the age of technology, the world being a global village and all, corporations, big and small taking over every little thing, today we have stationery for the old, the young, the middle aged, the working and the stay-at-homes all the same. Since I have a whole category related to me being a nerd and all, it should not come as a surprise that I am more than over whelmed at the prospect of stationery being a famous shopping category because that would only mean more producers and more innovation and honestly, I can never have enough of the new stuff.
Being a stationery hoarder myself, I can totally relate to so many people out there and that is precisely what got me into writing this article to begin with. As the title can pretty much tell you, this is about the top five online stationery shops from the US that I personally favor. Residing in Pakistan, my best bet at getting my favorite stationery is when my father is visiting the US which he does almost for four months every year! That gives me enough time to order to my hearts’ consent from the comfort of my home.
I know that every stationery hoarder is always looking for new shops from which to order pens, sticky notes, notebooks and paper clips and what not so let’s wait no more and delve right into the five shops which are literally going to make you do a victory dance especially if you weren’t already aware of them.
Urban Girl
So starting off, the first shop is Urban Girl and guys, oh my God! My haul from this shop was absolutely humongous. This is shop is literally a stationery hoarders dream come true! I don’t think there is any sort of stationery item that is not available here. When you open the page, it starts by listing down all of the different brands that the website carries and trust me, they carry quite a number of stationery brands including Kate Spade, Lilly Pulitzer, Anna Griffin etc. The good thing is that you have the option to either shop by brand or by item. Say for example you are looking for paper clips, you select it from the menu and behold, you get various collections at various prices from all different brands.
Another amazing thing about the website is that it does not only offer stationery, it offers all other stuff like that for home and office decor etc. So head on over to the website and buy a cart load!
Visit the site: www.urbangirl.com
The next shop that I will be mentioning, clarifying here that this list if not in a preferential order, is MOD Cloth. To begin with, this is not necessarily a stationery shop but once down in the Home and Gifts category, you click on the Office&Books tab, you will find yourself in a little stationery have. Me and one of my friends happened upon this website once when we were browsing the world wide web! This, like Urban Girl, is another one of those websites from which you can pretty much order all sorts of stationery stuff! I did get myself a few notebooks from here as well as the famous Q&A journal/book which I have seen with various Youtubers. Head on over to the website for a more detailed look at what they have to offer.
Visit the site: www.modcloth.com
Happie Scrappie
Moving on, the next shop that I want to list down for you guys is another one of my absolute favorites. For some reason, I always seem to find their stationery design very Kawaii style and absolutely cute by the way. They also have some amazing planner supplies which ever planner junkie will give their heart and soul for! Also, if you are looking for some amazing planner folios, this place will have some really catchy things on offer.
Visit the site: www.happiescrappie.bigcartel.com
Me And My Big Ideas
The next online shop that I want to mention here is another place where I went absolutely crazy and after seeing my haul from there, you might think my brain went haywire! At least that is what most of my family thought when the gigantic box arrived! I believe the shop is owned by a mother daughter duo. You might have heard various Youtubers using the word Mambi whilst discussing their stationery hauls so here it is folks, MAMBI is short for Me and My Big Ideas and yes The Happy Planner is one of their trademarks as well! Along with the Happy Planner, the site carries bundles upon bundles of planner stickers, die cut stickers, glitters stickers, pocket pages, quote stickers and what not! Honestly, if you are a stationery freak, you will go out of control on the website!
Visit the site: www.meandmybigideas.com
Simon Says Stamp
Last but certainly not the least, we have Simon Says Stamp. One of my all-time favorite online art, crafts and paper shops in the world and I know i keep saying this but trust, once you have been through these websites, you will get an idea as to how difficult it is to pick a favorite from amongst them. Now as for this site, the best thing about it is that as the name may indicate to you, the website has almost every sort of stamping, crafting and journaling equipment that you might ever need. So for instance, if you are into art journals and would like to create something, this site will be your best friend. And starting from Tim Holtz to Archival Ink products to products by Faber Castell, you will literally find each and everything here. Literally, this place is a crafters dream come true.
Visit the site: www.simonsaysstamp.com
As for my own experience, I have yet to order from Simon Says Stamp and Happie Scrappie but I am sure, as it was with the other shops I mentioned, my experience with these two shops will also be absolutely amazing. I will be sharing my hauls with you guys in another article and till then I wish you all a nerdy week ahead and happy shopping!

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