Greetings everyone!
Ramadan is nearly upon us and in continuing my efforts to contribute spiritually, I have designed a Ramadan Planner, the purpose of which is to allow the user to not only pre-plan their Ramadaan Ibadaat but to also induce a measure of discipline. 55 copies of the planner are currently in print out of which 30 copies will be gifted to people as a gesture of religious and spiritual inspiration.
This planner has been designed to help you plan your Ramadan in a manner that is not intimidating. Given below are some of the ways in which you can utilize this planner to maximize your Ramadan output:
- Use the section on “charity” to plan your givings this Ramadan. Even small amounts count. You can pre-plan which charities you want to donate to and also possible sources from where you can collect funds to help a cause.
- Use the section on “dua” to pre-plan all your prayers. Often in the middle of our dua, we forget somethings we need to pray for. Listing down prompts & keywords for important prayers will help you keep a track. You can split your “dua” into four categories using the four separate blocks on the “dua” page for instance: the world, parents, family & friends, and prayers for yourself.
- For every Ashra, there is a customizable page for reflection where you can set your goals for the next 10 fasts and review things/actions you would like to do differently the next Ashra.
- I have created two special pages between the 26th and 27th Ramadan which are meant to inspire Ibadaat for the blessed eve of 27th Ramadan.
- For every fast, I have created two dedicated pages: one is to plan and one is to account for actions.
- The planning page is unique to all fasts providing you with a practicable good deed for the day, actionable commandments from the Quran, a section for being grateful, and a section where you can plan your conversation with Allah for that day. It also includes a unique prayer that you can choose to offer.
- The action page is a to-do list against which you can check off your ibadaat for the day. It also includes some tasbeehat which you can choose to recite.
- Finally, the last page has some additional commandments from the Quran, aspects of Islam that are intuitive, non-intimidating and actionable.
You can download a PDF of the planner by clicking on this link: My Ramadan Planner
As my gift to you for this Ramadan, I will send 30 printed, colored, bound copies of this planner to the first 30 people who respond to my post on social media.
I hope we all have a blessed Ramadan.

4 years agoThank you so much for this lovely initiative
Zehra Farooq
4 years ago AUTHORThank you so much for appreciating. I hope you enjoy your planner.
Waleed Wasti
4 years agoAssalamu alaikum. May Allah Taala reward you immensely for this wonderful initiative. Hope it benefits whoever uses it and you get the reward for it. Ameen.
I just had a small input but I think it’s too late now. There are a few nawaafil that have great reward but we hardly do them all year round. I believe Ramadan is the perfect time to start praying them and develop a habit of praying them even after it’s gone.
They include ishraq, chaasht, awwabeen (after maghrib), tahiyyat ul wudu (after ablution), tahiyyat ul masjid (after entering masjid).
I really wish you could include them in the planner but it’s a bit late now.
Also, there is great reward for praying salat ul tasbeeh and the last 10 nights (or the odd ones from them) are the perfect nights to pray them if one is not able to pray them throughout the month.
But apart from that the planner is very comprehensive and should be super helpful on shaa Allah.
Zehra Farooq
4 years ago AUTHORThank you so much for this wonderful feedback. InshaAllah next year I will be able to improve it much more. JazakAllah.
waleed WastW
4 years agoYou’re welcome! May Allah (S. W. T) make this our best Ramadan yet. Ameen.
Ammarah Zeb
4 years agoI’m so glad to have found this planner. It will keep me organized and motivated. We invest so much of our time and energy ( even money) in planning and organizing our daily activities, we often times forget to do the same towards religious activities. I’m going to become better IA this Ramadan by planning and organizing. Thanks for such a beautiful planner. May ALLAH SWT bless you.
Zehra Farooq
4 years ago AUTHORThank you so much for such a kind and encouraging comment. I hope you love your planner and I hope it makes your Ramadan very special and super blessed. Ameen.